First of all, Voting is your Constitutional right and privilege as a citizen of the United States of America.
Secondly, your right was paid for in the blood of thousands of U.S. men and women who served in our armed forces in the World Wars and armed conflicts around the world. Freedom and Liberty are not free. Not voting is a slap in the face of those who gave their lives and their limbs for our liberty.
It is your responsibility as citizen and Christian to exercise your God given right to vote. Government was ordained by God. There is no authority except from God and the authorities that exist are ordained by God. Christians are to be the salt and light in this very dark world. If we do nothing, darkness prevails. Could it be that because a great many Americans have shunned God in their arrogance and worldly wisdom, that God took His hands off and let them have what they thought they wanted in 2008 – Obama’s Hope and Change?
America needs new leadership if “we the people” are going to keep our liberty. The Democratic Party has an agenda for a one world government. Obama and Clinton are trying their best to bring international law to America through treaties with the United Nations. If passed, these treaties will override the U.S. Constitution. Remember the U.S. Senate is controlled by Harry Reid and the Democrats. America and the way of life as we enjoy it today is sinking like the Titanic and there is only a short time to try to keep her afloat. Pray that it is not too late!
In many past elections (i.e.2008) Christians sat back and said there is no candidate that I feel is right – so I am not going to vote in this election. It is the NON-VOTING CHRISTIANS who helped elect Obama. Now is the time to realize that ALL who call themselves Christian MUST rally and VOTE for Romany in the November election. If you believe in Jesus Christ, if he is your Lord, you cannot sit this one out.
EVERY VOTE is CRUTICAL to win this election. There is massive voter fraud in every state. Eric Holder, Attorney General of the U.S,. is fighting every state that wants voter ID for only one reason. You may not want Romney for President but he is our candidate. Yes, he is Mormon. However, he is for traditional marriage and the U.S. Constitution. Remember we are not voting for a Pastor or Theologian for the U.S. but a strong, moral leader.
Remember NOT VOTING is the same as AGREEING with the CURRENT ADMINISTRATION. Exercise your right and VOTE FOR LIBERTY not SOCIALISM!