Tuesday, July 31, 2012

If Romney is Not My Choice Why Should I VOTE?

First of all, Voting is your Constitutional right and privilege as a citizen of the United States of America.
Secondly, your right was paid for in the blood of thousands of U.S. men and women who served in our armed forces in the World Wars and armed conflicts around the world.  Freedom and Liberty are not free.  Not voting is a slap in the face of those who gave their lives and their limbs for our liberty.
It is your responsibility as citizen and Christian to exercise your God given right to vote.  Government was ordained by God.  There is no authority except from God and the authorities that exist are ordained by God.  Christians are to be the salt and light in this very dark world.  If we do nothing, darkness prevails.   Could it be that because a great many Americans have shunned God in their arrogance and worldly wisdom, that God took His hands off and let them have what they thought they wanted in 2008 – Obama’s Hope and Change?
America needs new leadership if “we the people” are going to keep our liberty.  The Democratic Party has an agenda for a one world government.  Obama and Clinton are trying their best to bring international law to America through treaties with the United Nations.  If passed, these treaties will override the U.S. Constitution.  Remember the U.S. Senate is controlled by Harry Reid and the Democrats.  America and the way of life as we enjoy it today is sinking like the Titanic and there is only a short time to try to keep her afloat.  Pray that it is not too late!
In many past elections (i.e.2008) Christians sat back and said there is no candidate that I feel is right – so I am not going to vote in this election.  It is the NON-VOTING CHRISTIANS who helped elect Obama.  Now is the time to realize that ALL who call themselves Christian MUST rally and VOTE for Romany in the November election.  If you believe in Jesus Christ, if he is your Lord, you cannot sit this one out.
EVERY VOTE is CRUTICAL to win this election.  There is massive voter fraud in every state.  Eric Holder, Attorney General of the U.S,. is fighting every state that wants voter ID for only one reason.  You may not want Romney for President but he is our candidate.  Yes, he is Mormon.  However, he is for traditional marriage and the U.S. Constitution.  Remember we are not voting for a Pastor or Theologian for the U.S. but a strong, moral leader. 
Remember NOT VOTING is the same as AGREEING with the CURRENT ADMINISTRATION.  Exercise your right and VOTE FOR LIBERTY not SOCIALISM!

Friday, July 27, 2012

Obamacare Cost Less –Yes, Because of Rationed Care

According to 2008 government figures the life expectancy in the U.S. for a male is 82 years and a female 85.9 years.  Obamacare introduces euthanasia for the elderly, an issue that has been fought long and hard over the years.  The Obamacare plan will CUT $500 Billion dollars from Medicare over a 10 year period.  It is just too bad if you have paid into Social Security and Medicare over your lifetime.  Obamacare WILL RATION CARE based on quality of life years remaining. 
Oh yes, remember all those HIPPA forms you signed in the doctor’s offices, well the U.S. Government data base contains all your medical history:  every pill you ever took, every addiction you ever had,  every diagnoses you were ever given and every surgery or medical condition you ever had.   All of that information will be reviewed by a government panel with no medical background and they will make the decision that you have a certain number of quality years left.  After determining your good years ahead, they will look at the medical care or surgery you require and decide if it is financially reasonable for you to receive care you need.  It does not matter if you have served your country in the military or have been a useful citizen of this great land, they will look at the cost to help you and decide if you have enough good years left to justify spending the money on your health issues.  If you are already in your 70’s or 80’s your healthcare will be minimal!  Hip replacements, knee replacements, heart surgery or pacemakers all may be deemed too expensive for the years you have remaining. 
The doctor/patient relationship will have BIG Government deciding what care can be given to you even if your doctor disagrees. 
Seniors were picked on in this article but what about the baby born with severe disabilities that will cost thousands to fix during the child’s lifetime?  It is the young, those with serious illnesses and the elderly who will suffer the most under Obamacare.
There is a great debate that rages over when life actually begins; however, we all know the end of life is the last breath you take and that should be a decision made by Almighty God and not the U.S. Government Health Panel. 
The U.S. House of Representatives ( controlled by the Republicans) just voted to repeal Obamacare.  It has gone to the Senate for a vote, if Harry Reid allows it (the Democrats control the Senate)  any wonder how they will vote?  Only sure way to get Obamacare out of our lives is to GET OBAMA OUT OF THE WHITE HOUSE!
WUA Secretary

Thursday, July 26, 2012

2nd Amendment May Soon Be Gone

America’s Founding Fathers who drafted the U.S. Constitution attempted to give the federal government just enough power to carry out the function intended thus giving the states enough power to protect “We the people” from a tyrannical central government.  It was George Mason of Virginia  who declared “there never was a government over a very extensive country without destroying the liberties of the people”.  Mr. Mason insisted that the Bill of Rights was necessary to protect “We the people” from such governmental power.
Today’s enlightened, government educated people in the know, feel that the Constitution is a document to be ignored or even tossed out as outdated.
Their wish may soon be granted as President Obama and the Secretary of State Clinton are close to signing yet another U.N. Treaty.  If signed, the U.N. Small Arms Treaty would result in the confiscation of personal firearms in the United States.  Many U.S. citizens feel that Obama’s goal all along has been to strip Americans of their liberties found in the Bill of Rights – the first 10 Amendments.  Obama has been known to complain about “those people hanging on to their Bibles and their guns”.
It is likely that when President Obama and Secretary of State Clinton demand  the passing of this treaty, the Democrat controlled U.S. Senate will cave-in and obey even though they swore to defend the Constitution  and “We the people” when they took office.
The United Nations has an agenda – they want to bring America down.  They want to strip U.S. citizens of their individual liberties as guaranteed in the U.S. Constitution by overriding those liberties with treaties made with the U.N.
Today many Americans are turned off by politicians and do not want to take the time and effort to understand the issues.  Many have fallen into the trap of filling their day with activities making them too busy to have the time to be informed citizens.  Our Founding Fathers meant for our government to run for and by  “We the People”.  Instead we have elected career politicians who soon forget why they were elected and the “We the people” they were elected serve.
If you want to keep your liberty and your guns you DO NOT WANT President Obama to succeed in his agenda.  The U.N. Small Arms Treaty will:
ü  Require TOUGH LICENSING requirement and laws
ü  CONFISCATE and DESTROY ALL “unauthorized” civilian firearms
ü  BAN the trade, sale and private ownership of ALL semi-automatic weapons
ü  Create an INTERNATIONAL gun registry, setting the stage for full-scale gun CONFISCATION
ü  DESTROY the liberty given by the 2nd Amendment to the U.S. Constitution
The time is now to let your Senator hear from you.  Send your email today to Senator McCain and Senator Kyl.  Let them know that you are holding them accountable to stand for your liberty as written in the 2 Amendment not their own self-interest.
Contact  SenatorJohn McCain http://mccain.senate.gov/      Work: 202-224-2235
Contact Senator Jon  Kyl  http://kyl.senate.gov/   Work: 202-224-4521

WUA Secretary

May Bloomberg's Wisdom Reaches New Heights

Mayor Bloomberg is at it again.  Now he is challenging the U.S.  police departments to go on strike against helping people unless the gun control bills are passed in Washington, D.C.
What blows my mind is that this so called gun control will make the black-market gun value go through the roof and it will not stop someone who wants to kill.  The people who want to kill and injure others will ALWAYS be able to get or make guns.  It is those of us who want to protect ourselves that will be stripped of our rights to own guns and protect ourselves in an emergency.  In the event of a national crisis or natural disaster, crime runs unchecked and the police do not have the resources and the manpower to protect “We the people” from the bad guys.
“Bloomberg told CNN’s Piers Morgan that he doesn’t “understand why police officers across this country don’t stand up collectively and say we’re going to go on strike, we’re not going to protect you unless you, the public, through your legislature, do what’s required to keep us safe.”
Do not tell me that Bloomberg and other’s Democrats will not use the Auora, Colorado tragedy to get control of our guns.  Keep in mind that public places can only do so much to protect the public.  If a “bad guy” wants to shoot up the area, there really is nothing to stop him from doing just that and no amount of “gun control laws” will stop someone who wants to kill and injure the public.

WUA Secretary

Monday, July 23, 2012

Labeled By The Left - KooK – Right-winger – Homophobic – Islam phobic

Labeling people – name calling, when I went to school we were taught to be open minded and fair and that labeling people we did not like or agree with was not nice.   We were reminded that we are all individuals with creative minds and that each of us was unique with different gifts and abilities.  If we did not agree with each other we were respectful and reminded that each individual is free to think and say what he or she believes.  That is TRUE TOLERANCE; I do not agree with you but I recognize that you have the right, the liberty to say and believe what you perceive to be true.  We agreed to disagree as the old saying goes.
Somewhere in the last decade the individual thinking and the liberty of speech rules changed.  Now TOLERANCE is not only allowing the other guy the right to think different than me but it also means my being forced to go along with everything on his agenda.  If he does not like the cross on my hill it must come down.  If he does not like the pledge of allegiance it must be silenced.  If he does not like the Baby in the manger it must not be displayed.  If he if offended by the name of Jesus in the prayer, I am forced to remove it from the armed forces chaplain’s prayer. 
Today, if you think that homosexuality is un-natural and just plain wrong then something is wrong with you and you are labeled Homophobic.  If you think that this great nation has lost its way and the federal government needs to return to following the U.S. Constitution, then you are label right-wing and defined as a possible terrorist.  If you think that Islam is NOT a “religion of peace” as evidenced by daily reports of Islamic violence around the world, then you are label Islam phobic.
The Arizona Republic writers would have you believe that we have an Arizona Legislative body of Kooks.  If you are Conservative; trying to cut spending and balance the budget; want to close the border; feel that new life should be protected; and believe in  traditional family values then they label you a KOOK.  If that is what it takes to be called a KOOK then I guess I am one and it seems to be spreading because I know whole districts of KOOKS in the State of Arizona.
WUA Secretary - J Baldon

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

10 Things YOU Can Do:

1. Enough is enough, pray for all.
2. Become active in praying for and teaching your children.
3. Teach truth to those around you.
4. Get out and vote.
5. Investigate politicians before you vote.
6. Be active in helping the politicians you want to vote for.
7. Be active in communities with elected officials.
8. When informed, spread the information.
9. Be active in making a difference to make real change.
10. Develop a resolute spirit and attitude.