Thursday, July 26, 2012

2nd Amendment May Soon Be Gone

America’s Founding Fathers who drafted the U.S. Constitution attempted to give the federal government just enough power to carry out the function intended thus giving the states enough power to protect “We the people” from a tyrannical central government.  It was George Mason of Virginia  who declared “there never was a government over a very extensive country without destroying the liberties of the people”.  Mr. Mason insisted that the Bill of Rights was necessary to protect “We the people” from such governmental power.
Today’s enlightened, government educated people in the know, feel that the Constitution is a document to be ignored or even tossed out as outdated.
Their wish may soon be granted as President Obama and the Secretary of State Clinton are close to signing yet another U.N. Treaty.  If signed, the U.N. Small Arms Treaty would result in the confiscation of personal firearms in the United States.  Many U.S. citizens feel that Obama’s goal all along has been to strip Americans of their liberties found in the Bill of Rights – the first 10 Amendments.  Obama has been known to complain about “those people hanging on to their Bibles and their guns”.
It is likely that when President Obama and Secretary of State Clinton demand  the passing of this treaty, the Democrat controlled U.S. Senate will cave-in and obey even though they swore to defend the Constitution  and “We the people” when they took office.
The United Nations has an agenda – they want to bring America down.  They want to strip U.S. citizens of their individual liberties as guaranteed in the U.S. Constitution by overriding those liberties with treaties made with the U.N.
Today many Americans are turned off by politicians and do not want to take the time and effort to understand the issues.  Many have fallen into the trap of filling their day with activities making them too busy to have the time to be informed citizens.  Our Founding Fathers meant for our government to run for and by  “We the People”.  Instead we have elected career politicians who soon forget why they were elected and the “We the people” they were elected serve.
If you want to keep your liberty and your guns you DO NOT WANT President Obama to succeed in his agenda.  The U.N. Small Arms Treaty will:
ü  Require TOUGH LICENSING requirement and laws
ü  CONFISCATE and DESTROY ALL “unauthorized” civilian firearms
ü  BAN the trade, sale and private ownership of ALL semi-automatic weapons
ü  Create an INTERNATIONAL gun registry, setting the stage for full-scale gun CONFISCATION
ü  DESTROY the liberty given by the 2nd Amendment to the U.S. Constitution
The time is now to let your Senator hear from you.  Send your email today to Senator McCain and Senator Kyl.  Let them know that you are holding them accountable to stand for your liberty as written in the 2 Amendment not their own self-interest.
Contact  SenatorJohn McCain      Work: 202-224-2235
Contact Senator Jon  Kyl   Work: 202-224-4521

WUA Secretary

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