When someone says something you do not like become a bully, call them names and use hate speech; after all, this nation has had some really good examples of this type behavior from the liberal left .
The homosexual community just does not get it. Each one of us has a free choice to endorse the homosexual lifestyle or NOT. As a Christian, I believe that this lifestyle is not what God planned for the men and women He created. Christians do NOT hate the homosexual and Christians do not use hate speech regarding the homosexual. We just do not agree with the homosexual agenda. Main stream America all across the country silently spoke volumes last week when they overwhelmingly showed their support for “traditional marriage” company, Chick-fil-A.
First of all, there is NO scientific proof that anyone is born into homosexuality. In fact, many have chosen to leave that lifestyle. Secondly, America is made up of individuals who have a variety of opinions and beliefs. The homosexual community expects and even demands that Christians put aside their own moral, religious beliefs and endorse the same-sex lifestyle. The American Constitution still allows for free speech and freedom to practice one’s religion. As a Christian, I believe that God’s Word clearly defines marriage as a commitment/covenant between a man and a woman.
Chick-fil-A does not discriminate against homosexuals. Although a Christian company, Chick-fil-A serves anyone who walks in the door. The company does not advertise against the homosexual lifestyle. Mr. Cathy stated that as a Christian he supports the Biblical view of traditional marriage as a union between a man and a woman. Not one word was said about the homosexual lifestyle. No sooner had his opinion been uttered than the homosexual activists began to bully the company with their hateful, angry, bitter intolerant tirade. Railing against religious freedom, Christianity and Chick-fil-A, the homosexual community accused Chick-fil-A of being a hateful company. Could it be that this group feels threatened because the majority of Americans still believe in traditional marriage?
Some things just cannot be compromised. Evangelical Christians will never endorse the homosexual agenda or approve of same-sex marriage as it is totally at the opposite end of God’s plan and God’s design for the human race. No matter how hard Hollywood, TV and the media try, Christians are not going to change their belief regarding homosexuality. The source of the Christian’s belief is God’s Word and His Word is very clear on the homosexuality issue.
WUA Secretary
Jan Baldon
Jan Baldon
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