Monday, February 4, 2013

Is Conservative America dead?

Is Conservative America dead?  This great nation was founded on Biblical principles, personal responsibility and the idea of individuals providing for their own needs by hard work with occasional help from the church or community.   Our founding fathers, fearful of governmental tyranny, drafted the U.S. Constitution with the idea of a Republic consisting of individual states filled with self-reliant citizens and limited federal government.   Churches were active politically as pastors spoke from the pulpit regarding the issues of the day. "Our constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other." -John Adams.   
Today the Supreme Court Justices believe that the U.S. Constitution is a “living breathing” document which allows them to make decisions based on the current social mores and the “enlightened” thinking of the day.  The truth is that the drafters of our Constitution wrote a timeless document.  In it, the rule of law does not change from generation to generation: it remains constant.  A sacred respect for the constitutional law is the vital principle, the sustaining energy of a free government. Alexander Hamilton
The Left controls every form of media today and every report is slanted to reflect Leftist ideals.  Anyone brave enough to speak out against the political correctness of the Left is labelled and ridiculed.  Today the Left enforces a no tolerance policy toward conservative thinking or conservative ideals. The Left managed to change America enough to re-elect a Marxist, socialist President.  A President with plans to change American by destroying free enterprise, adding nationalized health care and advancing the homosexual marriage rights.  American’s sold out the country by caring more for the color of the skin in the White house than the politics of the one they elected to the White House. These same ignorant citizens did not seem to care that the President does not believe in or follow the very Constitution he swore to defend and protect.  In fact, the American President has little regard for Patriotism or any American patriotic symbols (i.e. the flag). 
President Obama wants to “make life fair” for everyone and his “sharing the wealth” plan includes taking hard earned money from the so called wealthy ($250,000 per year) and giving it to the poor.  At the time the U.S. Constitution was drafted that action would have been considered stealing!  To take from one, because it is thought his own industry and that of his fathers has acquired too much, in order to spare to others, who, or whose fathers, have not exercised equal industry and skill, is to violate arbitrarily the first principle of association, the guarantee to everyone the free exercise of his industry and the fruits acquired by it. Thomas Jefferson
BIG Government is the Left’s agenda.  Their mantra is” let Big Government to take care of your needs: no more need for self-reliance.  You are not personally responsible for your actions something or someone else is (i.e. the gun is evil not the person holding it)”.. The church and the once vocal pastor have been silenced by the fear that the IRS will take away their 501(c)(3) rating.   Atheists have managed to remove most of the Christian heritage from the public square because it offends them and Muslims, while basking in America’s freedoms, want American’s way of life to change in order to suit their ideology of Islam. 
Time is running out.  The time is NOW for all conservative voices to be heard by the U.S. Congress. Conservatives have been too quiet for too long!.  Our 2nd Amendment right is being challenged by the White House and it will not be long before the move is made to try to silence our message by going after our 1st Amendment right of free speech!  Every government degenerates when trusted to the rulers of the people alone. The people themselves, therefore, are its only safe depositories. Thomas Jefferson
 Let your voice be heard NOW or someday you will lose the right to speak out at all!  Contact your U.S. Congress today!
Jan Baldon

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Second Amendment Rights

When was the last time you actually read the U.S. Constitution?  This timeless document was actually written to limit the Federal Government and protect the individual States and their citizenry from tyranny.  The Bill of Rights, often referred to as the list of don’ts, is part of that great document and appears as the first ten amendments to the Constitution.  Written to protect the citizens from a tyrannical government, the Bill of Rights assures that “We the People” stay citizens and NOT SUBJECTS of these United States of America.
As horrible and tragic as the Sandy Hook school shooting was, it was NOT the gun that killed, it was a tool used by an evil and disturbed mind.  Just as fire is a tool when used correctly, used in the hands of an arsonist it becomes deadly and destructive.  Hundreds of thousands of Americans own handguns; some for hunting and sport ,and some for protection.  The Second Amendment guarantees that “We the People” have the right to own guns.  Just as “We the People” are expected to be law abiding citizens; the guns owned by citizens are to be used for lawful purposes including self-defense.
If “We the People” allow government to take away even part of the Second Amendment, what is to prevent the government from tampering with the First Amendment and our freedom of speech? Such “adjustments” to our liberties sets a VERY DANGEROUS PRESIDENCE!  Unfortunately, what was a very tragic event in Newtown is being utilized to further the agenda of the left, Reid, Clinton and President Obama by providing the emotional fuel needed to push for gun control. Do not be fooled!   Obama’s attack on gun ownership by U.S. law abiding citizens is an all out attack on the U.S. Constitution; a violation of his oath of office, and a direct attack on the liberty of American citizens.  To be forced to be unarmed is to force citizens to become subjects of tyranny!
Jan Baldon