Monday, October 29, 2012

LIes & Deceit

9/11/12- Benghazi,  Libya.  The White House knew that Al Qaeda was behind the attack on the U.S. Embassy in Benghazi within twelve hours of it happening.   What did the America’s President do upon learning of the “act of war” on the U.S. Embassy in Benghazi?  Obama went to bed.  The following morning, 9/12/12 Obama addressed the nation from the Rose Garden stating that there had been an attack on the U.S. Embassy in Benghazi and four Americans, including Ambassador Stevens,  had been murdered.  Obama placed the blame, the “act of terror”, on Muslims reacting to a YouTube Video that insulted Mohammad.  A lie!  After lying to the American public, Obama hurried off to Las Vegas to campaign for his re-election.  It was not just one lie; Obama went on for more than two weeks telling the YouTube video lie.  He even included the lie 6 times in his U.N. assembly speech regarding the attack and murder of four Americans.  Obama’s Middle East foreign policy is in flames.  In order to cover for his inept ability at dealing with “an act of war” on American citizens, there is just deceit and lies.  What a clueless President!

Jan Baldon

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Arizona's Prop 121 Top Two Primary

Do you understand what the “Top Two Primary” Prop 121 actually will do to the current system?  On the surface it sounds good.  Who does not want all to be able to vote in the Arizona Primary?  Actually Independents can already vote in the primary, they just have to request the appropriate ballot.  All the minority parties: Constitutional, Green, Libertarian and Independent candidates appear on the general election ballot.
Most of the minority parties only have one candidate in the running while the Democrats and Republicans may run up to three or four.  It is the American way.  However, proponents for Prop 121 want to radically change the system throwing out the parties and voting for all the candidates (minority included) with only the “Top Two” receiving the most votes moving on to the general election.  What is wrong with that you ask?  Under the “Top Two Primary” note the following:
ü  Candidates are not “vetted” by any party and may run without declaring party affiliation.
ü  Candidates may state they are one party while actually representing another.
ü  Only the “Top Two” candidates with the most votes go on to the general election eliminating the chance of the Independent, Green, Libertarian and Constitutional parties from making it to the general election ballot.
ü  Increases the power of the party bosses because the more party candidates who run the less the chance of that party’s candidates ending up in the “Top Two”.
ü  Eliminates choice by the voter as the “Top Two” could both be from the same party.
ü  Majority of supporters are Democrats who want more moderate candidates; less conservatives.
ü  Candidates in both state and federal races are forced to spend big bucks to get elected.  Higher cost to taxpayers for primary as all parties will need mailings.
Voters in California just put the “Top Two Primary” into place in time for their June Primary with mixed results.  It is reported that the following actually occurred:
Ø  The Independent and other minority party candidates were killed off and will not appear as a voter choice in the general election.
Ø  The voter turn-out was very weak with only 24% of registered voters (it was 33% in 2010)
Ø  Called a Crapshoot Primary by The Sacramento Bee.   Congressional District 31, a liberal leaning district with a Latino majority, now has two white Republicans running to represent the district because the four Democrat candidates split the vote.
Ø  Democrat candidate in San Diego paid $50,000 for a Republican candidate to be able to run against him.  Such a move prevented his strongest rival, a fellow democrat from making the general election.  It worked and the Democrat expects to beat his Republican opponent in the general election.
Ø  Law suit has been filed over unequal representation
I hope that you consider this matter very seriously.  It is not working in California like the proponents stated it would work and has left voters with fewer choices.  Do we really want to put this broken system in place in Arizona?  VOTE NO on PROP 121.
Jan Baldon

Monday, October 8, 2012

Vote Getting Obama Style

Do you currently have a job?  How is your financial future looking these days?  Do you really want four more years of high government spending, job cuts across the county and failure of small businesses because of high taxes and government regulations?
It is great for Obama’s campaign that the Department of Labor just released notice of a drop in the percentage number of out of work Americans.   It is enough to make the uneducated voter think that it is due to Obama’s great leadership.  How about the unemployment numbers falling because many individuals have maxed out their time in the unemployment system or have taken lower income jobs?  It is amazing how far Obama will go to win the election.  It just goes to show how little he really cares about the citizens of this great nation. 
Another case in point; the automatic defense-spending cuts scheduled for January 2013 will cause lay-offs.  The law requires employers to notify employees at least 60 days in advance of such action.  Not wanting it to look bad just before the election, Obama has instructed defense contractors anticipating possible layoffs, NOT to issue the 60-day notices as required by law.  Such action is illegal and certainly shows little respect for the American worker.  The lack of proper notification could place the financial burden of additional severance pay and legal costs on taxpayers if widespread layoffs occur.  It is enough to make you think all is fair in love and general elections.  Never mind all the employers and employees across America who could be hurt; Obama has to look good on November 6.  He cannot afford more announcements of lay-offs and out of work Americans; after all, voters just might realize that Obama’s leadership has gotten America into a deeper recession.  Then there are all his broken or unrealized promises.
So, you really want to trust Obama with your financial future and the future of America for another four years? 

Jan Baldon

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Two Choices in November

What is your worldview?  Did you know that your worldview will determine how you vote in November?
Some see “tolerance and diversity” as the “new normal”.  Others see it as a loss of traditional Judeo Christian values.   Obama is quick to point out that America is no longer a “Christian” nation and he is not far off in his assessment.
Obama has stated that this election comes down to two very different choices for America.  Depending on your worldview will you vote for Obama/Socialism or Romney/Liberty?
Choice Obama:
ü  Loss of traditional marriage with adoption of same-sex marriage platform
ü  Big Government out of control spending from bailouts to handouts
ü  National Healthcare with forced tax penalty and medical personnel forced to perform abortions against their belief and conscience.
ü  Higher taxes and regulations choking small business growth
ü  Open borders and millions in handouts to illegal immigrants
ü  No balanced budget and no cap on national TRILLION $ debt
ü  No support for Israel -  our only ally in the Middle East
ü  Limits on drilling forcing dependence on foreign oil
Choice Romney:
ü  Tradition marriage values supported with NO same-sex marriage agenda
ü  Less Government intrusion more States rights
ü  Repeal National Healthcare and work with insurance company on coverage and cost with protection for religious liberty
ü  Lower taxes and government intrusion in the small business promoting growth
ü  Enforcing Federal Law regarding closed borders – NO handouts to illegals
ü  Working with Congress to balance budget, limit spending and lower national debt
ü  Support for Israel
ü  Encourage drilling to decrease American dependence on foreign oil and create JOBS
So how do you see America’s future?  Given the two choices above which choice do you want for your children and grandchildren?
Jan Baldon

Proposition 121 - Top Two

Do you understand the propositions that will appear on the November General Election ballot?  Do you know how you will vote based on your research or based on media and TV ads?  If so, you are exceptional as the average American citizen does NOT take the time to clearly think through the issues.  They will depend on columnists, TV ads or signs to sway their vote.  In this day of enlightenment thinking for yourself is almost considered not “politically correct”.
What do you really understand about Proposition 121?  Those in favor of this proposition state that its goal is to produce more moderate elected officials.  What they really mean is their goal is to see fewer conservatives elected.  On the surface the idea of doing away with party primaries and having a single primary might sound like a good idea.  In reality it: 
·         Does away with party feting of candidates
·         Allows Candidates to run without declaring party affiliation
·         Allows Candidates to declare association with one party while actually belonging  to a different party
·         Will destroy the smaller parties – Libertarian, Green, Constitutional  - will not make it to the ballot
·         Gives all voters the right to vote for any candidate from any party in all primary elections
·         Only allows the top two candidates with the most votes move on to the General Election ballot
·         Opens door for extremists to manipulate their way into office (no checks and balances)
·         Limits candidate choices for all voters
This has been tried in many states across America, the latest being California. In one out of every five congressional districts both candidates will be from the same party.
 In 2014 Arizona will vote for a governor, if more Republican candidates run than Democrats the vote would be spread thin and we could end up with a choice of two Democratic candidates on the ballot.
Be careful what you wish for.  Prop 121 creates problems :
·         Precinct committeemen not needed
·         Who votes to replace legislators that leave office
·         Who will county elections share their voter files with
·         What happens to the clean election funds
·         Who will be allowed to vote in the Presidential Preference primaries
Vote NO on proposition 121 and save our vote.  The Top Two initiative hurts voters and must be stopped.

Jan Baldon