What is your worldview? Did you know that your worldview will determine how you vote in November?
Some see “tolerance and diversity” as the “new normal”. Others see it as a loss of traditional Judeo Christian values. Obama is quick to point out that America is no longer a “Christian” nation and he is not far off in his assessment.
Obama has stated that this election comes down to two very different choices for America. Depending on your worldview will you vote for Obama/Socialism or Romney/Liberty?
Choice Obama:
ü Loss of traditional marriage with adoption of same-sex marriage platform
ü Big Government out of control spending from bailouts to handouts
ü National Healthcare with forced tax penalty and medical personnel forced to perform abortions against their belief and conscience.
ü Higher taxes and regulations choking small business growth
ü Open borders and millions in handouts to illegal immigrants
ü No balanced budget and no cap on national TRILLION $ debt
ü No support for Israel - our only ally in the Middle East
ü Limits on drilling forcing dependence on foreign oil
Choice Romney:
ü Tradition marriage values supported with NO same-sex marriage agenda
ü Less Government intrusion more States rights
ü Repeal National Healthcare and work with insurance company on coverage and cost with protection for religious liberty
ü Lower taxes and government intrusion in the small business promoting growth
ü Enforcing Federal Law regarding closed borders – NO handouts to illegals
ü Working with Congress to balance budget, limit spending and lower national debt
ü Support for Israel
ü Encourage drilling to decrease American dependence on foreign oil and create JOBS
So how do you see America’s future? Given the two choices above which choice do you want for your children and grandchildren?
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