Do you currently have a job? How is your financial future looking these days? Do you really want four more years of high government spending, job cuts across the county and failure of small businesses because of high taxes and government regulations?
It is great for Obama’s campaign that the Department of Labor just released notice of a drop in the percentage number of out of work Americans. It is enough to make the uneducated voter think that it is due to Obama’s great leadership. How about the unemployment numbers falling because many individuals have maxed out their time in the unemployment system or have taken lower income jobs? It is amazing how far Obama will go to win the election. It just goes to show how little he really cares about the citizens of this great nation.
Another case in point; the automatic defense-spending cuts scheduled for January 2013 will cause lay-offs. The law requires employers to notify employees at least 60 days in advance of such action. Not wanting it to look bad just before the election, Obama has instructed defense contractors anticipating possible layoffs, NOT to issue the 60-day notices as required by law. Such action is illegal and certainly shows little respect for the American worker. The lack of proper notification could place the financial burden of additional severance pay and legal costs on taxpayers if widespread layoffs occur. It is enough to make you think all is fair in love and general elections. Never mind all the employers and employees across America who could be hurt; Obama has to look good on November 6. He cannot afford more announcements of lay-offs and out of work Americans; after all, voters just might realize that Obama’s leadership has gotten America into a deeper recession. Then there are all his broken or unrealized promises.
So, you really want to trust Obama with your financial future and the future of America for another four years?
Jan Baldon
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