During the 2012 election President Obama told voters that they had a choice of two totally different points of views. That statement was the one truth of his campaign. Obama could not run on his accomplishments of the past four year as there were none. Therefore, he attacked the values and ideals of the Republican Party.
With nothing to offer the country, the Democrats ran a scare campaign. Obama’s target: women, seniors and college students. They bought the lies and re-elected him! Obama’s campaign divided the country like no other. He turned the poor against the rich; the blacks against the whites; and homosexuals, women and seniors against the Republican Party.
The results of the 2012 election made it painfully clear that at least half of the country is ignorant of the direction Obama wants to take this country. Half of country appears to be unconcerned about the fate of America’s economy and the fiscal cliff we face. America is no longer the country it once was. The morals and values of society (our under 40’s group) have changed. Half of the country likes the idea of big government taking care of them along with the liberal, socialist view of spreading out the wealth by over taxing the rich. This nation will parish because of ignorant citizens who are too busy and uninterested to stay informed of what is going on in Washington. Obama was re-elected because he convinced the voters that Romney was a rich, white, bad guy. What the voters failed to understand was Obama’s agenda: making America into a socialist, liberal, European county. Get ready for a very ugly, bumpy ride as his agenda unfolds and our individual liberties are destroyed over the next four years.