Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Bumpy Road Ahead

Fasten your seat belt – bumpy road ahead – next four years.  I do not want to sound like a defeated, fearful citizen; however, I am fully aware of the battles Conservatives will face during the next four years of Obama’s reign.  Americans have just come through four devastating years with the arrogant tyrant Obama. 

Today, Obama faces a sharply divided angry country. In his speech last night he claimed that he has heard Americans.  He realizes that we need to pull together.  Personally, I do not believe him as he ran a campaign dividing racial lines, the middle class and women.  He has spent the past four years blaming his problems on Bush.  Now it is time that Obama grows up and takes responsibility for his decisions or lack of decisions and his poor leadership ability. 

It was a wake-up call to me that half the country has been blinded by Obama’s lies, deceit and give away programs.  What a self-centered, selfish, apathetic country we have become!   Am I concerned about America’s future – you bet I am!  I hope I am wrong; unfortunately, I fear that the liberal socialist agenda will prevail.  How many of our freedoms will be gone at the end of 2015?

Some things to be prepared for in 2013:
ü  Same Sex Marriage pushed on States (endorsed by Democrats and Obama)
ü  Obamacare (will your doctor still be in practice in two years time)
ü  Loss of religious freedom to choose not to provide abortion coverage
ü  Employers dropping insurance coverage and paying the fine rather than providing coverage due to the high cost of providing Obamacare
ü  Increased national debt and the ruin of the US economy (full speed ahead for the fiscal cliff) 
ü  Drastic cutting of national support for Israel (this is the President who bankrolled and helped Egypt's election go to the Muslim Brotherhood candidate)
ü  Slashed Military (smallest army ever in force to protect American soil)
ü  Shaky national security (why not trust your life to the Obama who left four Americans to die in Benghazi while he went to bed)
ü  Muslim population increase in America - Muslim Brotherhood members in high U.S. government jobs (security risk, you think?)
ü  Czars - (wonder what they are for - I think we will see them in action this next four years)
ü  More U.N involvement in U.S. affairs and government with the loss of our U.S. Constitutional rights
Christians all across this land MUST be in prayer for the future of America. Conservatives MUST be informed and be in constant contact with our elected Congress.
Jan Baldon

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