Friday, November 9, 2012

Devastating Election Results

Millions of Americans hoped and prayed that Romney would win the election.  He was not my first choice but he was my only hope to retain the America I love.  This was easily the most important election of my lifetime.  Millions of Americans thought that Romney was the only way to save the country financially and morally.  Well, the pollsters got it wrong.  Many Americans sat out the election not wanting either candidate and this only served to help re-elect Obama.   Needless to say the results were totally devastating to conservative, constitutional voters.
America has generations of young people who have not been taught the full truth of America’s History; our founding fathers dreams and ideals; and the U.S. Constitution and what it means to all Americans.     We are now reaping what was sowed in those hearts and minds.  These young voters were romanced by Obama’s promises of a better future.   American patriotism with love of country, flag and history and the U.S. Constitution is not realized by half of the citizens of this great land.   My proof: they re-elected a Socialist president with ideas of turning American into a second class European-style nation.  The fiscal cliff is near.  America faces a very serious financial and economic situation.  While Romney continued to point out that fact, the nation listened to Obama’s rhetoric about re-distribution of wealth, taxing the rich to give to those who have less and “saving” women’s right to abortion on demand paid for by taxpayers.  During his campaign Obama worked hard to divide Americans; poor versus rich, black versus white, legal citizens versus illegal.  Now that he has been –re-elected he has called all Americans to work together.  After all his lies and deceit that will be hard to accomplish.
Millions of Americans are VERY sad, angry at ignorant voters and DEEPLY concerned about the four more years of Obama’s inapt leadership.  I am one of those who is grieving for America’s future fearing what Obama will do to change America over the next four years.  How many of our freedoms will be lost over the next four years as Obama signs more United Nation treaties?  Yes, if Obama signs a foreign treaty it over-rides the U.S. Constitution.   If Obama cannot protect four Americans in Benghazi, how can he protect a vast country with no border control?
Jan Baldon

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