Thursday, July 26, 2012

May Bloomberg's Wisdom Reaches New Heights

Mayor Bloomberg is at it again.  Now he is challenging the U.S.  police departments to go on strike against helping people unless the gun control bills are passed in Washington, D.C.
What blows my mind is that this so called gun control will make the black-market gun value go through the roof and it will not stop someone who wants to kill.  The people who want to kill and injure others will ALWAYS be able to get or make guns.  It is those of us who want to protect ourselves that will be stripped of our rights to own guns and protect ourselves in an emergency.  In the event of a national crisis or natural disaster, crime runs unchecked and the police do not have the resources and the manpower to protect “We the people” from the bad guys.
“Bloomberg told CNN’s Piers Morgan that he doesn’t “understand why police officers across this country don’t stand up collectively and say we’re going to go on strike, we’re not going to protect you unless you, the public, through your legislature, do what’s required to keep us safe.”
Do not tell me that Bloomberg and other’s Democrats will not use the Auora, Colorado tragedy to get control of our guns.  Keep in mind that public places can only do so much to protect the public.  If a “bad guy” wants to shoot up the area, there really is nothing to stop him from doing just that and no amount of “gun control laws” will stop someone who wants to kill and injure the public.

WUA Secretary

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