Thursday, October 4, 2012

Proposition 121 - Top Two

Do you understand the propositions that will appear on the November General Election ballot?  Do you know how you will vote based on your research or based on media and TV ads?  If so, you are exceptional as the average American citizen does NOT take the time to clearly think through the issues.  They will depend on columnists, TV ads or signs to sway their vote.  In this day of enlightenment thinking for yourself is almost considered not “politically correct”.
What do you really understand about Proposition 121?  Those in favor of this proposition state that its goal is to produce more moderate elected officials.  What they really mean is their goal is to see fewer conservatives elected.  On the surface the idea of doing away with party primaries and having a single primary might sound like a good idea.  In reality it: 
·         Does away with party feting of candidates
·         Allows Candidates to run without declaring party affiliation
·         Allows Candidates to declare association with one party while actually belonging  to a different party
·         Will destroy the smaller parties – Libertarian, Green, Constitutional  - will not make it to the ballot
·         Gives all voters the right to vote for any candidate from any party in all primary elections
·         Only allows the top two candidates with the most votes move on to the General Election ballot
·         Opens door for extremists to manipulate their way into office (no checks and balances)
·         Limits candidate choices for all voters
This has been tried in many states across America, the latest being California. In one out of every five congressional districts both candidates will be from the same party.
 In 2014 Arizona will vote for a governor, if more Republican candidates run than Democrats the vote would be spread thin and we could end up with a choice of two Democratic candidates on the ballot.
Be careful what you wish for.  Prop 121 creates problems :
·         Precinct committeemen not needed
·         Who votes to replace legislators that leave office
·         Who will county elections share their voter files with
·         What happens to the clean election funds
·         Who will be allowed to vote in the Presidential Preference primaries
Vote NO on proposition 121 and save our vote.  The Top Two initiative hurts voters and must be stopped.

Jan Baldon

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