How many of you know someone who is out of work, struggling to feed their family and pay for housing? With 15% plus unemployment all of us know people out of work, maybe in our own family or maybe even you the reader. Before you jump on my percentage of unemployed, remember, that many individuals have fallen off the unemployment rolls and are conveniently not counted by the White House. Reality is never good in an election year.
Why is it that in a country as great as the U.S.A. there are so many American families jobless and so many kid homeless or going to bed hungry? Why does Obama and Hillary plan to go through with 1.6 billion dollars in foreign aid to Egypt? The White House persists on giving aid to countries full of individual who hate America, burn our flag and consider America to be the Great Satan while allowing the American economy suffers. Americans do not need more welfare handouts, Americans need the opportunity to work and be self-reliant.
Think about what 1.6 billion dollars could do for small business owners across America. After all it is the small businesses in our communities that provide jobs and help the economy of their communities, cities and states. Give the small business owner a break by less regulation and a reduction in the cost of hiring employees. No, Obamacare will not help the small business owner hire more employees, in fact, it may put an end to some small business opportunities.
Obama’s idea of stimulating the economy and helping out Mr. Average American business owner: Bail out the auto industry, bail out the banks, bail out huge corporations. It is funny how none of that actually helped the average American. The truth is that many American companies have been forced to move their manufacturing to China, Mexico or Hong Kong because of the high cost of doing business in the U.S.A. All of this has added fuel to the already high unemployment fire.
Do you want four more years of :
ü broken promises = lies and deceit
ü companies being forced to move jobs to foreign countries in order to afford to stay in business= even higher unemployment
ü a greater devaluation of the U.S. Dollar which = high living cost
ü 2013 New Obama tax plan = less money in your pocket
Then re-elect Obama.
BUT If that is not want you want, then use your influence with family and friends and vote OBAMA OUT OF THE WHITE HOUSE!
Jan BaldonSecretary