Should Americans Give Obama A Second Chance? Remember the White House represents “We the People” and the President works for us. So let’s look at it from the viewpoint of an employee merit review.
When Mr. Obama took office in 2008 the Democratic Party controlled Congress. President Bush had to struggle with this issue his last two years in office. When Obama became President in 2008:
Ø National Debt $9 trillion
Ø Unemployment rate was 5.27%
Ø 15% unemployed workers out of work 52 weeks
Ø 32 Million on Welfare
Ø 23.5 million Americans on Food Stamps
Ø Drilling permit approved at 116%
Ø Gas price per gallon $3.02
Ø Tax Cuts for American Middle Class
Ø Congress Controlled by Democratic Party
By the ninth month of Obama’s fourth year in office:
Ø National Debt $16 trillion
Ø First U.S. Sovereign debt downgrade in American History
Ø Unemployment rate at 8.3% (23 million unemployed, 9 million have left the workforce)
Ø 30% unemployed workers out of work 52 weeks (1 million no longer looking for work)
Ø 46 million on Welfare
Ø 48 million Americans on Food Stamps
Ø 1.2 million fewer jobs past four year, small business failures due to government regulations
Ø Drilling permit approved at 36%
Ø Gas price per gallon $3.83
Ø Forced Tax of National Healthcare Program
Yet according to President Obama the private sector is doing ok. President Obama’s own words condemn his performance in office. Follows is a portion of Senator Obama’s speech to Congress on March 20, 2006 “The fact that we are here today to debate raising America’s debt limit is a sign of leadership failure. It is a sign that the U.S. Government can’t pay its own bills. It is a sign that we now depend on ongoing financial assistance from foreign countries to finance our Government’s reckless fiscal policies. … Increasing America’s debt weakens us domestically and internationally. Leadership means that “the buck stops here.” It is too bad that he forgot his own wise words once he became President.
Can Americans – “We the People” afford to allow the advance of big government, out of control spending, and lack of concern for the U.S. Constitution to continue for another term? According to the Democratic Party, America is better off today than four years ago. Oh Really? Show us the proof! Obama is attempting to make abortion rights, gay marriage and immigration his campaign focus. What happened to National Security, Jobs, and relaxed regulations on drilling and small business start-ups?
After four years of blaming President Bush for everything, Obama wants us to forget that the “Buck Stops Here” and that he failed the leadership test and he has had it easy with a Democrat controlled Senate! “We the People” deserve better leadership than Obama can provide.
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