Thursday, September 13, 2012

Criticism of Religion = Violence

How big is your God?  Is your God powerful enough that He can stand up to criticism or derogatory remarks?  Can your God take care of Himself or does he need violent jihad because he is weak and ineffectual and desires his followers to cause fear, show hatred and perform murder?  It would seem that Mohamed calls for all Muslims to hate non-Muslims (especially Christians and Jews) and there is a NO-TOLERANCE level for any form of criticism of the Koran or Mohamed. 
Can you imagine that scenario in the United States?  This nation, founded on faith, liberty and freedom, allows freedom of speech and freedom of religion.  Our First Amendment rights allow ALL citizens to express their opinions without fear of reprisal.  Every second a U.S. citizen uses the name of God or His son Jesus Christ as a swear word, in a derogatory manor.  Teachers in colleges all across our country slam Christian students’ belief in Jesus Christ and the Bible at every opportunity the teacher gets. As a result of this bullying, how many American teachers have been shot and killed or how many American universities have been blown up? 
To a Christian, tolerance means that EVERYONE is FREE to DECIDE for THEMSELF WHAT THEY WANT TO BELIEVE: it is an individual’s choice.  To an atheist the First Amendment means that they have freedom FROM religion.  In other words, tolerance for atheists means that they do not want to be reminded there is a God; therefore, no Christian should be able to show their faith in public either by displaying symbols, celebrating holidays, wearing faith declaring t-shirts, handing out literature in school or praying in public places.
Muslims on the other hand do not want ANYONE ANYWHERE to speak, write or demonstrate in action on film anything that displays their ideology, the Koran or Mohamed for what it really is.   In other words, they use any criticism of their ideology as an excuse to spew hatred, fight or kill those with a different view. 
The murder of four American citizens in Libya yesterday is horrible and tragic.  A truly senseless killing of innocent Americans for a trumped up cause, MURDER by mob!  The flag destruction in Cairo yesterday and Yemen today should make American blood boil!  Do Christians hate Muslims?  Speaking as an evangelical Christian I can say that NO Christians do not hate Muslims.  I personally feel pity for Muslims as they have been raised with a mindset of hatred for Christians and Jews, brainwashed from childhood to become individuals with the mob mentality easily stirred up by their cleric.  Women fare the worst treatment in the Muslim culture: damned if they do and damned if they don’t.  The slightest provocation is used to react with violence.  Muslims demand that every citizen in the world respect their beliefs, the Koran and especially the prophet Mohammad.  Such respect has to be earned and frankly nothing in the Muslim behavior around the world has thus far earned that respect.  My God can handle anything that humanity throws at Him, I guess the Muslims, followers of Mohamed as not as fortunate with their god.
Jan Baldon
Waking Up America


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