How many of you watched the Democratic Convention last night? If so, how did you like the “democratic vote” to amend the party platform to reinstate Jerusalem as the capital of Israel? Ted Strickland former Governor of Ohio read the amendment to the party platform. Reacting to Republican criticism, Barrack Obama requested that the party platform add God and Jerusalem as the capital of Israel by amendment. Convention Chairman, Antonio Villaraigosa, mayor of Los Angeles, asked the party delegates three times for a yea or no vote. After the third vote, Mayor Villaraigosa looking puzzled and unsure of what to do finally ruled that the motion passed. The delegation reacted, showing their discontent. Listening to the video, one could not honestly tell which vote was louder. It sure sounded as if the matter should have been put to a paper vote. It was truly a scary display of Democratic democracy at its best.
Today, the Democratic Party stands for same-sex marriage and homosexual/lesbian rights; abortion on demand paid for by taxpayers regardless of conscience; totally open borders with billions spent on free handouts to illegal immigrants while American citizens go hungry; and since the Jewish vote is needed, the capital of Israel had to be declared as Jerusalem. All this drama makes one wonder if the wording will be reversed after the election.
Since the Democrats had to “vote” to put God and Jerusalem back into the platform, it certainly gives pause to wonder how any evangelical Christian could vote for the Democratic ticket. Seriously, if this describes you, give it some thought.
The Word of God is pretty clear on the issue of marriage, since God himself defined it as between one man and one woman. The idea was to be fruitful and multiply. God planned for a mother and a father. Unfortunately today in America not many homes have both parents raising the children. Same sex marriage is certainly an abomination to our Heavenly Father and His plan for humanity.
Under the guise of a woman’s right to choose, millions of babies have been aborted since the Roe versus Wade decision. Of course, terminology is used to help the woman decide to rid herself of the undesired growth in her body. Planned Parenthood would never refer to the growth as a baby and they would never call it murder but what an abomination abortion is to our Heavenly Father who states that children are a gift from God.
The United States has had a long history of supporting Israel. In the past Israel has depended on the United States for monetary and military support. The United States has been quick to stand with Israel in times of trouble and relations with Israel have benefited both nations. Obama’s interest lies with the Muslim regime and he has been quick to snub the Israeli Prime Minister even during visits to the White House. Can you trust the Democrats with America’s future for the next four years? Remember their democratic way of passing their own party platform reforms. Remember the values of the Democratic Party do not measure up to God’s standards.
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