Friday, September 7, 2012

Dems Use Fear to Gain Women's Votes

Are you Pro-Life or Pro-Choice?  Do you believe that the medical professionals should be forced to perform procedures that are against their conscience?   The Obamacare program is currently at war with the Catholic Church over this very matter since the new healthcare laws force abortion services to be offered by employers.  Employers who do not agree philosophically with the matter of abortion will be forced to provide insurance for abortion coverage. 
The Democratic Convention is using  FEAR and LIES to turn uninformed American women against the  Republican Party and Mitt Romney.  Pro-abortion activist, Sandra Fluke in her Primetime Convention speech claimed that the pro-life Republicans would “allow pregnant women to die”.   She had no facts just her opinion. Her speech was full of lies and many American women will be taken in by her “knowledge” because these women will take Ms. Fluke’s word for it and not bother to check out the facts.
At the same time, the president of Planned Parenthood declared that pro-life advocates are “committed to ending insurance coverage for birth control”.  Again the pro-abortion activists are taking the giant leap from abortion to birth control in an effort to put FEAR of the Republican Party into women voters.
Planned Parenthood commits 40% of all abortions in the U.S. and abortion accounts for 51% of their clinics income.  It is no wonder why they fight every issue that would limit abortion.  The Arizona Legislature passed a bill that would make an abortion after 20 weeks illegal.  Planned Parenthood immediately slapped Arizona with a lawsuit.  The actual reason behind the bill; Abortions performed after 20 weeks are horrendous torture for the BABY (not fetus) because by this point the nerve endings feel pain. 
Planned Parenthood would have women believe they are just exercising their right of birth control or gender selection when selecting abortion.  If ultrasounds were mandated, lots of women would realize that the “fetus” is really a living breathing BABY!  Abortion should NEVER be used for Birth Control since there are many over the counter and prescription options available. 
Republicans are for the most part pro-life; however, they are NOT AGAINST BIRTH CONTROL.  Be sure you know the facts when voting in November.

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