Thursday, September 20, 2012

Freedom of Speech

Do you stand by our First Amendment rights of freedom of speech?  Do you really believe in freedom of speech for all Americans or just the speech you agree with as is the case with liberal groups in America? Do you believe in the freedom of expression?  In past rulings, the U.S. Supreme Court has ruled that pornographic art even if it includes religious symbols is allowable under First Amendment rights. 
Everyone seems to have overlooked the significance of 9/11/12 being the date of the Libyan slaying of U.S. Ambassador Stevens and his staff.   Under the guise of protest against a movie on YouTube that displays Mohamed in a bad light, Al-Qaeda and The Muslim Brotherhood started violent attacks against American Embassies in many of the Muslim ruled countries.  These attacks did not just happen as the movie has been on YouTube for several months..  There was talk on the internet days before the violence began.  Anyone who really believes that the movie caused this “staged rage and violence” is not facing reality.
President Obama managed to state "I strongly condemn the outrageous attack on our diplomatic facility in Benghazi," Obama said, adding the four Americans "exemplified America's commitment to freedom, justice, and partnership with nations and people around the globe." while continuing his extremely important campaign for re-election.  Is this all that Obama can do and say for the murder of four American citizens?
Obama has a quandary since he supports Egypt and its new “democracy” saying "I don't think that we would consider them an ally, but we don't consider them an enemy," Obama told Telemundo in an interview to be aired Thursday night. "They're a new government that is trying to find its way. They were democratically elected” as if this makes everything all right.
The violence and rage over the film also presents a test for Egypt's new Islamist president, Mohammed Morsi, who has not condemned the riot outside the U.S. Embassy in Cairo or said anything about the offending film. The protest was by mostly ultraconservative Islamists.  So much for the “religion of peace moderate” Muslim.
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton found it politically correct to blame a movie for the Muslim rioting, rather than The Muslim Brotherhood, Al-Qaeda, Salafists, etc...  Obama’s statement used similar language, thereby marginalizing freedom of speech by depicting it as a form of religious intolerance.
 It may be hard to imagine, after all we live in America where we enjoy freedom of speech.  Currently we are free to say what we think about any given subject but for how much longer?  When will Americans wake up and realize that the Muslim world “hates Americans and sees us as the Great Satan”.  Muslims will not rest until they see all citizens or the world under Sharia law; under which there is NO FREEDOM at all.

Jan Baldon
Waking Up America

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